MA Homme d’Affaires

Education & Lifestyle


Creativity, innovation and education constitute important pillars for the longevity of family wealth. Without the creativity and innovation brought about by future generations the family fortune will succumb to the mere attraction of consumption and possibly fail to secure the family capital for their descendants.

Providing your children the best possible education is probably the most valuable provision in securing the future well being of your child. By investing in the intellectual capital of your child, the family capital will become less dependent on money and it will more likely enable the child to seek greater opportunities.

Simultaneously, it is important to make privileged children aware of their responsibility that is aligned with the family wealth. Children often consider “being wealthy” as an emotional burden, and thus necessary precaution needs to be taken to ease their transition into their new roles as they become older. MA’s preparatory workshops for young family members are undoubtedly an important milestone to facilitate the future transfer of family values and capital to the next generation.


Acquisition, maintenance and holding of yachts, private jets and real estate

Art & Collectibles

Global Banking and Insurance needs

Children's development (Boarding Schools, Summer camps and special programs for children with disabilities)