MA Homme d’Affaires


“When selecting a trustee, the grantor of a trust will be well advised to consider the potential trustee’s ability to mentor the beneficiaries he or she loves as the highest qualification among all of the things a trustee must do”
- James E. Hughes Jr.

In working with families it is absolutely crucial for the trustee to guide and educate the beneficiaries in understanding their roles, powers and responsibilities to mitigate future conflicts and to create an environment of trust and collaboration.

Whether the fiduciary acts in his capacity as a Trustee, or as a Board Member of a Foundation or Company or in any other similar capacity, the law requires him to adopt the highest duty of trustworthiness in protecting the interests of the client. In accepting the rule of a prudent business man, the fiduciary will always seek the best possible way to accomplish his task while protecting the beneficiaries with a vested interest.

Trustee of Family Trust

Protector of Family Assets

Board Memberships

Foundation Management